6th Infantry Regiment Distinctive Unit Insignia
Motto: "UNITY IS STRENGTH"The alligator symbolizes service in several Indian campaigns, notably the Seminole War, when the regiment bore the brunt of the fighting at the battle of Lake Okeechobee on 25 December 1837 (Report of Colonel Zackary Taylor). Service in the Mexican War with General Scott, especially at Churubusco and at the assault on the citadel of Chapultepec, is commemorated with a scaling ladder (in green, the Mexican color), by means of which the walls of Chapultepec were stormed. The chief, symbolic of the crossing of the Meuse near Dun, is the arms of the ancient Lords of Dun - a silver cross on a red field. The partition line, wavy, represents the river. The shield is white (Argent), the color of the Infantry facings when the regiment was organized.
The distinctive unit insignia was redesignated for the 6th Infantry Regiment on 2 Nov 1950.