Dental Activity Berlin
Description: A gold color metal and enamel device 1 3/16 inches (3.02cm) in height overall having upon a field divided per cross red and blue, a gold fer-de-moline with a white spindle supporting bar between two supporting gold bears all inclosed by a continuous maroon scroll arched at top and base, looped and doubled white at the sides and inscribed in gold letters the words "SUPPORTING" at top and "THE DEFENDERS" in base.
Symbolism: White (silver) and maroon are the colors associated with the Army Dental Corps. Gold and silver are two precious metals used in dentistry. The fer-de-moline, which sustains the moving millstone, is symbolic of the mission of the organization in providing full and comprehensive dental health care. The center of the device, a white rectangle with gold center, alludes to the letter "D" for Dental Corps. The bears and four sections of the background are indicative of the quadripartite political division of the city of Berlin. The colors, red, white and blue refer to our national colors.
Design approved 26 Aug 1981